School Site Council
What is the School Site Council (SSC)?
What is the School Site Council (SSC)?
The SSC is an avenue open to parents to provide input to the school from the community. By working directly with the principal, teachers, staff, and other parents, SSC members participate in establishing the school's annual School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and allocating school improvement funds to support the plan goals. The most recent SPSA is linked below. Throughout the year, SSC members assess the effectiveness of the plan by listening to staff reports and discussing plan goals and Torrey Hills' ongoing progress toward the goals.
Who may serve on the SSC?
Who may serve on the SSC?
The SSC is open to all parents of the school. Members are elected by a ballot process by their peers. The Council membership includes five parents and one alternate, three teachers, the principal and one other staff representative.
What is expected of SSC members?
What is expected of SSC members?
In order to provide continuity from year to year, SSC members can serve either a two year or one year term. Members attend five meetings a year which are held after school from 2:45-3:30 pm.